Window and Door Hardware Systems & Solutions Provider CMECH Established in the USA, CMECH has over 25 years of design and manufacturing experience in high-end window and door hardware. We mainly serve the North America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions, and our extensive partnerships spannin...
Window and Door Hardware Systems & Solutions Provider CMECH
Established in the USA, CMECH has over 25 years of design and manufacturing experience in high-end window and door hardware. We mainly serve the North America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions, and our extensive partnerships spanning the globe allow us to keep in close touch with our partners, designers and investors. Our philosophy of product innovation and service is reflected in our strict standards in comfort, safety, energy efficiency and performance, allowing us to continually provide remarkable value through premium quality services.
Culture of Innovation
Vision: Focus on innovative window and door hardware technology and the building industry. Become a leading smart home and window and door brand.
Mission: Provide attention and care to the end user experience through innovative technology and rapid customer service. Deliver system solutions for the smart home window and door industry. Create value for customers.
Values: Customer First, Integrity and Honesty for Mutual Success, Courage to Innovate, Pursuance of Excellence, Respect and Inclusiveness, Create Value.
服務城市:廣州 深圳 東莞 佛山 中山 珠海 北京 上海 杭州 蘇州 重慶 天津
成都 武漢 南京 青島 無錫 長沙 寧波 鄭州 濟南 南通
合肥 南昌 新疆
汕頭 江門 湛江 惠州 西安 沈陽 昆明 大連 福州 廈門 溫州 長春 泉州
貴陽 金華 常州 嘉興 太原 徐州 揭陽 海口
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